Wednesday, November 3, 2010


O. m. g...

Its NOVEMBER!! Everything magical takes place during this time of year for me...

I met my husband (insert sign here :) )

Its my birthday

The weather gets coool

Pumpkin spice and peppermint are regular drinks at Starbs

And BLACK FRIDAY IS NIGH.... I love Black Friday and count down for it August 1st.

I love...

the rush

the madness

the intensity

and the DEALS!!!!

I go nuts for Black Friday. I want that hot item women will scale walls, get in fights, and make movies about...simply because someone else wants it.

So stay tuned...I am going to highlight the hot items to be looking for, the best places to go, and tell you the optimal time to get to shops...I have been doing this for 10 years and we map it out Thanksgiving night...its glorious.

In the mean time...check out my fav holiday purchases for Christmas decor. All can be found HERE!

Initial WREATHS!!!!! Love!!! These are $36 but I am going to make mine! I will let you know how it goes and what I did!

OMG AREN'T THESE PRECIOUS!! On sale to purchase and monogram for $25!!!

If you have great holiday sights...DO SHARE!!!