Monday, January 23, 2012

5 things.

This may sound odd, but I am an even number person. I always keep our air conditioning on an even number, finish pumping gas on an even, leave an even-numbered get the picture.

But I also happen to like 5's. I was born on the 15th, and so was Roxie. I like that we share that. Five was often my number in sports growing up, five was my favorite lane to swim in when I was on the swim team, I graduated from high school in 05. Therefore, with that back ground I give you five things I have learned and shared more than five times recently, and I feel the need to share them. You should know this post is geared toward "mrs. married to officers."

1. It is soo important to have "your thing" with your husband. Does anyone watch Up All Night with Will Arnett and Christina Applegate? Well its hilarious, especially if you are new parents and this past week was about how sacred their time watching, Friday Night Lights was. As silly as it is, I think it nurtures your relationship to share things like a new TV show. When Officer was first on nights we, had a Wednesday morning date. He would get home at 6:30am from working all night and have my FAVORITE thing in the WORLD....Whataburger coffee, breakfast burritos and we would watch our TV show together. I know, a disgusting habit, but we looked forward to this time and we would enjoy it for the first time together and catch up just like regular people did at night. Even as I share nights with the officer now, I miss our Whataburger Wednesdays.

2. You can have a good cry about it every now and then. But you have to get it out of your system. Life is too short to hate the fact that you married an officer not a mr. Plus, someone has to do it, so someone has to be an officer's wife. And that someone is you. It's an honor to gain the strength God has allowed me to gain. I wouldn't be half the woman I am today if my husband wasn't an officer, and I am truly grateful for that. But take a day, wear black, eat ice cream, have a donut (forgive the stereotype). Whatever your thing is, do it. I tend to be on the dramatic side, so it actually does help me to dim the lights, crawl under the covers with a strawberry duncan donut and have a good cry, but if I did that all the time I would look very different (in more ways than one).

3. Getcha some girlfriends who will encourage you with truth. You can have a pity party yourself, so getting a crowd to bring negativity to your situation is not productive. Find girls who will have some good clean fun with you, and hear your heart on the hard days, but encourage you and remind you of the good things and the blessings that are always there.

4. Take an interest in officer things. I chose to learn the police alphabet (I don't think that is the legit term) but nothing makes officer more happy then when I can tell him a license plate, officer style.

5. Believe the best in your officer. Its a tough world they are in. I think tougher than all the mr.'s out there. More temptations, high divorce rates, and more dangers. Be proud of them and for them, EVEN when you wish they did something else. I have realized this alot, more than anything, my officer needs someone to always be for him. I am NOT the best at this one, but I am really working on it.

~an officer and a mrs.